2024_06_02 星洲日报

⼤⾂:传统死板⼿法⾏不通 玻 需创意经商振旅游业

Harumango玻⾹甜芒果园使⽤C级和D级都拿来 做冰淇淋、芒果挞等美⻝。(张洁盈摄)
Harumango玻⾹甜芒果园使⽤C级和D级都拿来 做冰淇淋、芒果挞等美⻝。(张洁盈摄)

(加央3⽇讯)玻璃市州务⼤⾂莫哈末 苏克⾥提醒旅游业相关⾏业的商企要更 创意化经商,才能吸引更多游客到访玻 州,过于传统或死板的⽅式将会局限拓 展⽣意,也难以吸引游客的眼球。


他说,今年和明年是玻璃市旅游年,玻 州以农业和旅游业为主,将全⼒⽀持⽣ 态旅游包括推动⼀站式的私⼈玻⾹甜芒 果园,列⼊旅游地图及⽇历中协助宣传 ⼯作。“除了玻州农业局的武吉宾当⾹甜芒果 园,也有3家私⼈果园设有销售站,不 但能选购玻⾹甜芒,也能参观果园,以 及现场品尝玻⾹甜芒相关美⻝,譬如 Harumango果园,这种⽅式很容易留住 游客。” 他前天受邀到Harumango玻⾹甜芒果 园,连同玻州农业事务委员会主席拉扎 ⾥⼀同⻅证该果园销售站的第1万名顾客 罗斯尼占到访。 罗斯尼占也获得Harumango有限公司执 ⾏董事拿督庄伟松赠送3公⽄装玻⾹甜 芒,以及⾃由享⽤销售站的餐饮。玻州农业局副局⻓尼占说,该局积极配 合私⼈园主争取更多的补助拨款,同时 也⽀持推动⽣态旅游。


庄伟松认为,州政府给予⽀持,是私⼈ 果园发展的推动⼒,其实不⼀定要垄 断,必须要有健康的竞争能⼒,市场才 能蓬勃发展。询及为何选择在玻州种植玻⾹甜芒,他 坦⾔,玻州的⼟壤及天⽓很适合种玻⾹ 甜芒,相信是⼟壤有⽯灰岩的原因,所 以品质更好。 他说,由于今年的天⽓较热,⾬⽔也适 量,所以收成较多,品质也不错,占地 25英亩,有1500棵树,去年收成只有约 9000公⽄果实,今年增⾄约1.5公吨, 预计今年的收成可持续到6⽉中。


他表示,该公司配合玻州旅游年,吸引 更多⼈到访玻州,所以⾸次开设销售 站,让游客品尝该公司使⽤C级和D级 都拿来做冰淇淋、芒果挞等美⻝,也能 在果园买到有品质保证的特级、A级及B 级果。 “没想到我们从4⽉15⽇才开始营业,短 短1个⽉半就有1万⼈到访,平均每天 200⾄300⼈,周末或假期有500⼈,相 当受欢迎。”

庄伟松(右五)邀请尼占(后左起)、拉扎⾥及 苏克⾥⻅证,Harumango玻⾹甜芒果园销售站的 第1万名顾客罗斯尼占到访。(张洁盈摄)
庄伟松(右五)邀请尼占(后左起)、拉扎⾥及 苏克⾥⻅证,Harumango玻⾹甜芒果园销售站的 第1万名顾客罗斯尼占到访。(张洁盈摄)



Harumango Paper 2

同意把Harumango果园 列⼊玻州旅游⽇历 苏克 ⾥:盼吸引更多游客

莫哈末苏克⾥(中)同意把玻璃市Harumango果 园列⼊玻州旅游⽇历,促进玻州⽣态旅游业,左为 拉扎⾥。右为庄伟松。
莫哈末苏克⾥(中)同意把玻璃市Harumango果 园列⼊玻州旅游⽇历,促进玻州⽣态旅游业,左为 拉扎⾥。右为庄伟松。

随着玻璃市Harumango果园在⼀个⽉半内成功吸引 超过1万名观光客到访,为玻州2024年⾄2025年旅 游年做出贡献,玻州⼤⾂莫哈末苏克⾥同意把该园列 ⼊玻州旅游⽇历,盼明年⾹甜芒盛产季节时吸引更多 游客慕名⽽来,促进玻州⽣态旅游业。 他⿎励州内⾹甜芒业者向Harumango果园学习,发 挥创意,除了为⾹甜芒产品增值,也要加强对外宣 传,让⾹甜芒持续成为迎来国内外游客观光玻州的主 要吸引点之⼀,也让玻州成为国内受欢迎的农业及⽣ 态旅游⽬的地。 他周六下午在玻州农业事务⾏政议员拉扎⾥及玻州农 业局副主任尼占陪同下,⻅证Harumango公司执⾏ 董事拿督庄伟松赠送礼物给观光该果园甜品贩卖部的 第1万名游客后,这么说。 该名幸运⼉是来⾃吉打居林的游客罗斯尼占,当天与 家⼈⼀⾏8⼈到来玻州旅游。

莫哈末苏克⾥(左3)在拉扎⾥(左2)及尼占(左 1)陪同下,与庄伟松(右2)欢迎第1万名观光果园 的游客。
莫哈末苏克⾥(左3)在拉扎⾥(左2)及尼占(左 1)陪同下,与庄伟松(右2)欢迎第1万名观光果园 的游客。

庄伟松说,他从4⽉15⽇,即Harumango果园甜品 贩卖部营业⾸⽇开始计算,并于6⽉1⽇成功迎来第1 万名观光客,从数据中证明Harumango果园已成功 带动玻州⽣态旅游。他指出,Harumango果园成⽴6年以来,今年⾸次 设⽴⾹甜芒甜品贩卖部,并采⽤果园收成的新鲜果实 制作各式甜品,让游客及芒果控实现芒果⾃由,⼀边 沉浸美妙滋味,⼀边观赏前⽅景⾊宜⼈的朱宾⼭,享 受⼀站式⽣态旅游的乐趣。 他说,最受⼤⼈⼩孩喜爱的甜品是⾹甜芒冰淇淋及切 ⽚糯⽶饭。 他也说,随着⾹甜芒盛产季节进⼊尾声,其1500棵 ⾹甜芒果树的果实也剩下约10%,因此果园预计于6 ⽉中或更早便暂停营业,明年4⽉再重开。











炎热天气助力, 玻香甜芒色香味俱全



光華日報, 2024年5月9日 星期四, 报道、摄影, 余惠兰

( 加央8日讯)近期热浪席卷东南亚,导致泰国榴梿产量下降,成本上涨,不过,对于香甜芒而言,炎热的天气,正好让果肉更香甜,加上玻州的作为甜品的土质,促成色香味俱全的香甜芒.



不但如此,联邦农业销售局(FAMA)也多次与外州大型商场合作在商场内摆卖香甜芒,让全马人民都能品尝到来自玻州的美味。截至本月初,玻州FAMA已透过各种管道包括在线农业市集,成功为玻州 19名园主销售8万 4000公斤香甜芒。



随着香甜芒的盛产,玻璃市 Harumango 公司团队今年发挥创新,特在果园内设立香甜芒甜品贩卖部,采用果园收成的新鲜果实制作各式甜品,让游客及芒果控实现芒果自由,而且还可一边沉浸美妙滋味,一边观赏前方景色宜人的朱宾山,远离城市喧嚣,享受大自然的美好。



Harumango 贩卖部经理陈科玮接受《光华日报》访问时说,其团队在 Harumango 公司执行董事拿督庄伟松的支持下,在果园内特设甜品贩卖部,并于今年3月杪即香甜芒开始收成时推出各式甜品,每日新鲜出炉。



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“The hottest place in peninsular Malaysia is producing the sweetest fruits. It’s a bumper crop this year for Harum Manis, the most expensive mango variety in Malaysia but farmers are switching to working at night to escape the heatwave” – CNA

In Malaysia, temperatures of more than 40°C in the northern states of Kedah and Perlis have forced many farmers to alter their routines and work in the evenings when the weather is cooler. The hot weather has also resulted in bush fires in several states. The country’s disaster management agency is on high alert, monitoring 650 hotspots nationwide to prevent more bush fires from breaking out. Melissa Goh reports from Perlis.

Harumango's fruits are grown in Bukit Chuping, Perlis

Harumango owner Rick Cheng on the much-awaited return of the annual Harumanis mango season



Options: Hurrah for Harumanis season again. Tell us what sets this variety apart from others. Some even consider it the mango equivalent of Musang King durians.
Datuk Rick Cheng: Harumanis is a bit like durian — you either love it or hate it. Its name is self-explanatory: harum (aromatic) and manis (sweet). It also has a very short harvest time, being available only once a year for two to three months — usually late April to early July — unlike other mangoes, which can be harvested all year-round. It is difficult to care for as Harumanis trees are sensitive to changes in weather and have a very high spoilage rate. All this is reflected in its price, hence the Harumanis’ nickname as the manja fruit.

Is it true only Harumanis mangoes from Perlis can be called as such?
Yes. The Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) has explained that use of the Harumanis name applies exclusively to the variety of mangoes grown in Perlis, since it was registered back in 2011.

Tell us about your company, when it was established and the unique terroir of Bukit Chuping.

Harumango Sdn Bhd was established in 2015 and Harumango is also the brand name of our Harumanis mangoes that we grow at our farm in Bukit Chuping, Perlis. Due to the high lime content in the soil and also the conducive weather, our farm is one of the best places to grow premium grade Harumanis.

How did you come across the Bukit Chuping site?
Initially, we had bought the land for a housing project. Due to some reason, the development was called off. We didn’t know what to do with the land until a lawyer friend of mine suggested: “Grow Harumanis, the icon of Perlis”. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Currently, we have 1,300 trees on a 23-acre farm. We plan to acquire more land in Perlis suitable for premium-grade Harumanis. We also hope the state and federal governments could provide more incentives to encourage private companies to grow more local fruits.

Tell us a little bit about the Harumanis varietal.
I have to say that this is the hardest mango to cultivate and also the most expensive mango in the country. Usually, it takes three to four years for the trees to mature, after which they can bear fruit for up to 30 years. Current market prices of Harumanis range from RM30 to RM70 per kilo depending on the quality, but the costs involved are tremendous: from irrigation to fertilisation, pruning and clearing [the land] … not to mention the additional work during the flowering and harvest seasons.

We have to wrap every single mango by hand with paper and the time to wrap the fruits is also crucial. Wrap too early, the mango won’t grow properly. Wrap too late and the mango might be eaten by monkeys. During harvest season, we need to guard the farm 24 hours a day for fear of theft. I must add that Harumango only employs local farmers to work at our farm.

How is Harumanis best enjoyed?
Harumanis is best enjoyed within three to five days after picking or harvesting. Usually, the skin of Harumanis remains green, but it’s ripe inside already. The best way to determine if it’s ripe is to have a good sniff. If the aroma is there and the texture is slightly soft, it’s time to dig in! Harumango also offers Harumanis puree made from Grade B fruits. This can then be made into Harumanis jam, ice cream and cheese cake. Seasoned Harumanis connoisseurs have their own of savouring the fruit, but for me, the best way to enjoy Harumanis is to eat it plain, using your hands.

Tell us a little about yourself. There’s more to your portfolio than just mangoes.
My family has been involved in property for more than 20 years, under the Encomas group of companies. Now, we have diversified into agriculture by growing premium grade Harumanis. F&B is another story, with our Caffè Diem outlets in Alor Setar and soon in Jejawi, Perlis, with more to come in the pipeline.

For the first-time visitor to Alor Setar, what are your top recommendations to see, do and eat?
My 24-hour itinerary includes breakfast at the famous (and halal) Lai Huat Curry Mee before visiting the paddy museum nearby. Kedahans are famously friendly and the farmers won’t mind you visiting their fields. I would suggest lunch at Manzur Capati for freshly-made, pan-hot breads next to Masjid Nagore, after which you can walk it off around Medan Bandar, visiting the old palace and the iconic Masjid Zahir, ranked the sixth-most beautiful mosque in the world. You could also walk to Pekan Melayu, where Tun Mahathir’s clinic is located.

You must, of course, then have a caffeine jolt at Caffè Diem and [its sister outlet] Diem Bakery in Pekan Cina, which is parallel to Pekan Melayu, our heritage enclave along Sungai Anak Bukit. Try our signature Coconut Cream Latte paired with a slice of Lemon Poppy Seed Cake, the favourite of our late Agong. Have dinner at Hai Kee, an 80-year-old Hainanese restaurant, or Nasi Lemak Haji Ali for addictive ayam goreng. Stay overnight at Hotel 38PC, which has a lovely rooftop pool with a view.

What are you reading right now?
Anna: The Biography by Amy Odell as I am curious about [Vogue editor] Anna Wintour’s life. Also, The Tree Whisperer, the biography of the late [Tan Sri] Lee Shin Cheng, founder of the IOI Group.

What are you listening to right now?
Let It Be by The Beatles. I don’t know why, but this song calms me down every time I play it.

Describe your idea of a perfect weekend.
Waking up late, enjoying brunch and reading my newspapers, including The Edge Malaysia. Then some quality time with my daughter and son, a latte at Caffé Diem or cup of Nanyang coffee at Diem Bakery before heading home for a simple home-cooked meal by my wife or eating out at one of our favourite restaurants.

This article first appeared on Apr 24, 2023 in The Edge Malaysia.




SOLD OUT – Year 2023

Our Harumanis mangoes are officially sold out! They were fully booked, even on the tree! Thank you for the incredible support from all our beloved customers.
Don’t worry, next year we will be bringing in more fresh and delectable treats of Harumanis from our amazing Harumango farm. Make sure to follow us for the latest updates and Thank you for supporting Local Farmers.
WhatsApp Image 2023-05-06 at 10.57.33 PM (1)

与Harumango 签署备忘录 Antar Holiday 推广玻生态旅游香芒


(加央21日讯)安达旅游有限公司: (Antar Holiday)日前主办玻璃市生态一日游,包括到 Harumango 有限公司辖下香芒园参观,获得本地市场反应热烈,逾60名游客参与。

安达旅游有限公司当天也与 Harumango 有限公司签署备忘录,双方共同合作 国报》交流推广玻璃市生态旅游与Harumango香甜芒品牌,分别由安达旅游执行总监戴铨信与 Harumango 有限公司执行董事奎督庄伟松签署谅解备忘录。